Thursday, 7 January 2016

New year new tyres?

After Christmas and New Year are over and we are all spent out probably the last thing on our minds is buying new tyres!

With the continuing wet weather here in the Uk and horrendous pot holes everywhere, our tyres are really taking a seasonal battering!  Pot holes can not only damage your tyres but can also cause your wheel alignment to be out of sync and this needs to be regularly checked.  If your wheels are not correctly aligned then your tyres won't be wearing evenly and you could be causing premature wear on your expensive tyres.  You want to not only have the best control of your vehicle and be safe but you want to get your moneys worth from your tyres.  

Perhaps a news years resolution to add to your list could be to regularly squeeze in that tyre check, once a month is all we recommend, I think you can manage that.

I wanted to share another example of a tyre that a customer today hadn't even noticed was badly worn!  It was a large family car, why would you want to put your family at risk but not regularly checking your tyres?

On closer inspection when it was up on the ramp, it is clear to see how badly worn this tyre is on the inside!  This wouldn't have been visible from the ground and that is why we can't emphasise enough the importance of regular tyre safety checks.  Here at Elite Garages we offer them FREE and you can come in as often as you like we are always happy check them for you.  If your not close to one of our branches then call your local garage and I'm sure they will be happy to help you.

Thanks for reading 

Sophie x

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